Yesterday, I was stir crazy. It's rather hilarious that I used to leave our home every day and now I can go almost a week (most of the time) before I have that itch to leave.
I had.. um.. volunteered Brandon to help move furniture back to the children's wing so if I was going to go out, I was going to have to take all four, by myself.
This task was much easier before the boys turned into willful toddlers. So I try to avoid it. But I couldn't help myself yesterday.
I took the children to Target to pick up a few things. I had a short list and plenty of time. In general this is the best formula.
Xander turned into a comedian as we were checking out. First, he apparently was traumatized that I had to remove the shower curtain from his death grip to put it on the conveyor belt so I could pay for it and not make headlines in our TinyTown.
"Pregnant mom of four shoplifts shower curtain, blames son!" I could just see it.
Then he decided to make faces at the lady behind us. Luckily, she was not offended at him sticking his tongue out at her. *phew* I even apologized profusely!
And then he decided to announce to the world that he would like "A taco and diet coke."
Yup, you read that right. My 2 year old would like a taco and diet coke.
I asked him if we should try to convince Daddy to go to Chick Fil A. But no, only a taco and diet coke would do.
Where does he come up with these things?
I told Brandon the story when we picked him up from the church and he thought I was totally joking.
Until he heard the voice in the backseat say. "Goggy! (Daddy!) I wanna eat a taco and diet coke!" Plain as day.
So we did it. We went to Moe's so he could have a taco. (He really had a burrito but I'm not getting technical with my 2 year old.) And yes, I did let him splurge and have a diet coke. (I'll probably get comments about how bad diet coke is for anyone much less a growing child, blah, blah, blah... I'm all about picking my battles.)

Apparently the Diet Coke hit the spot?
And this was what he thought of his meal:

That is two thumbs up for those of you not in the know. :)
Nothing better!
PS: I've had a few people ask about the lack of belly pics. With each pregnancy I show faster and faster... Be kind!

Isaiah 18 weeks!