I've had a long night up with the Lord. I've gotten no sleep but lots of time to talk to God.
I was praying over our adoption and telling Him that I was worried about the possibility of being double matched and how I'd ever choose between two babies. (Double matching is when you network with several agencies and you are chosen for TWO situations... and then you have to pick which situation/child to go with. You may recall that the family that originally matched with Xander was double matched and went with the other situation/child giving us the opportunity to match with him.)
Our situation count was up to 5 when I went to bed last night. Five homestudies sent, only a few profiles requested so far. We've been approved 9 days today. But if there is something to be worried about-- I'm all over it. Brandon often says that he rarely worries because I do enough for both of us!
Anyway.. I was praying about it and God gave me this verse... that I've read a thousand times.
"God sets the lonely in families..." ~Psalm 68:6
So, I'm choosing to rest in His Word. He does it. We just have to be obedient and in His timing, it will happen, if it is His will for our family. He did a fabulous job setting Xander into our family and we know he was meant to be ours. I mean.. have you seen his monster face? It looks just like his Daddy's. Have you heard him laugh until he snorts? Yup.. definitely a Bee! Xander is the one child of ours that is constantly told how much he looks like his Daddy. It makes me giggle. His birthmom thinks it is hilarious too!
Then I got out of bed to start my day and found an email from a friend asking if I had seen an adoption situation posted.
So now we are up to 6.
I was praying over our adoption and telling Him that I was worried about the possibility of being double matched and how I'd ever choose between two babies. (Double matching is when you network with several agencies and you are chosen for TWO situations... and then you have to pick which situation/child to go with. You may recall that the family that originally matched with Xander was double matched and went with the other situation/child giving us the opportunity to match with him.)
Our situation count was up to 5 when I went to bed last night. Five homestudies sent, only a few profiles requested so far. We've been approved 9 days today. But if there is something to be worried about-- I'm all over it. Brandon often says that he rarely worries because I do enough for both of us!
Anyway.. I was praying about it and God gave me this verse... that I've read a thousand times.
"God sets the lonely in families..." ~Psalm 68:6
So, I'm choosing to rest in His Word. He does it. We just have to be obedient and in His timing, it will happen, if it is His will for our family. He did a fabulous job setting Xander into our family and we know he was meant to be ours. I mean.. have you seen his monster face? It looks just like his Daddy's. Have you heard him laugh until he snorts? Yup.. definitely a Bee! Xander is the one child of ours that is constantly told how much he looks like his Daddy. It makes me giggle. His birthmom thinks it is hilarious too!
Then I got out of bed to start my day and found an email from a friend asking if I had seen an adoption situation posted.
So now we are up to 6.
Praying you'll have peace and that God will clearly lead you to the child that is yours!
This makes me nervous for when it's our time to start matching with situations and having to choose. Well, first I need to stop worrying whether we'll ever be matched at all!
I hope you are getting some rest today, Stephanie. I keep peeking in to see how your journey is going. So glad you are updating on all the Lord is doing.
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