I think the fact that we pack a lot of snacks and let the kids control the radio on these trips swayed her a bit. My motto for certain situations: "Whatever it takes to git 'er done!"
Anyway, when we met with the agent she said another house in the same neighborhood as the one we bid on had just dropped it's price. She wanted to know if we wanted to look and said sure. So it turned out we saw four.
House #9, we loved from the outside. When we went in, it was impeccable. Like think Jeffery Lewis clean. ;) It's all good, I get along with OCD people fabulously, especially when I am buying their USED items that look brand new. Tee hee. It had an amazing eat in kitchen with lots of cabinets and counters. The view from the front steps (no porch)was beautiful. Like, I'd actually get up and drink my coffee there instead of having my coffee brought to my bedside.
Take a peek:

The one downside is that there is only a living room and kitchen for common space. We live in our common space, not holed away in our respective bedrooms. I think it might be a little small for us long term-- especially as we continue to feel called to adopt again. (No shocker there right?)
The upside is that it is a beautiful drive and the house is spotless and nice! I seriously walked through and after room 2 I was like, "Sooooooooooooooo... where is the catch?" Couldn't find one other than the common space. And it was a VERY reasonable price.
This one stays on the list.
House #10 was at the top of our price range and I immediately smelled smoke when I walked in. Dear America, air freshener does NOT hide smoke smell. Bran and our agent blamed the fireplace but later after walking in another door, they smelled it too. I'm telling you, I should be a professional smeller. All the bedrooms were upstairs and the master bathroom only had a shower. It was in a neighborhood but the lot felt private because of all the trees.
The backyard had chickens, which I later found out Julianne thinks we should eat on the first night we move in. I had to explain that the chickens generally go with the previous owners and that they were chickens used for eggs. Remind me not to leave a pet I love near her for too long.
These owners had fabulous landscaping skills (or ability to pay for landscaping) and I spotted Erika's favorite flowers ever in the front yard and had to snap a picture for her.

House #11, was a cape (I think? I'm still learning my house shapes/styles) in more of a neighborhood. Still large lots but neighbors were all easily visable because there were no trees. I think we've gotten a little spoiled by living in a more private location. It felt a little fishbowl-ish. But I think a fence and landscaping would help that.
The complete deal breaker is that there is no dedicated master bath and the kitchen was in need of major renovating. We also found some areas that are in need of repair.
House #12... I almost went into labor. First, the seller's agent had warned us that the owners only clean on Friday and they only mow that day too. so we walked through a foot of weeds to get to the front door. The owners were there but leaving which was awkward.
Right when you walked in the house you could go up 2-3 stairs to the majority of the house or down a short stairway to get to the garage, extra room and storage. Strange to me, but we went down since the owners were upstairs.
We peeked at the garage, the storage and then Bran headed into the extra room. I noticed from the hallway that they had deer heads on the wall and seemed to be into hunting. Hey, I'm from Georgia, I get it. My brother had his first buck mounted too. But I noticed the deer (yes multiple) were almost all wearing sunglasses. Ohhhh----kay.
I'm standing there looking at the deer and the room, and I realize it has no closet so it technically is not a bedroom so I start thinking about how we would use it. I'm deep in though when Bran tells me to look down.
I can't see my feet these days (29 weeks today!) and so I have to do this manuver to see over the belly. I looked down and was standing right.next.to this:

And Brandon said I looked like a cartoon. My legs were just a-goin' and yet I was going nowhere, until he looked down to wipe his eyes and when he looked back up, I was halfway up the stairs.
Now, remember we didn't know if the owners were still in the house, so we had to temper our response. But holy moly, I nearly went into labor.
Bran showed our agent and she jumped a country mile too even though she was standing further away from the dead thing in the tank than I was, thankyouverymuch. That room is now known as The Dead Room.
This house had more space but the kitchen leaves me puzzled. I think it was the angled sink, lack of cabinets and lack of counter space that makes it feel wrong. And there was a breakfast room that was small that I'm not sure what we could use it for, so it feels like wasted space... I know people redo kitchens, but they get expensive and it is inconvenient, especially when you have a child with severe, multiple food allergies. And the landscaping was a hot mess. Actually, I don't even think you could call that landscaping. Their jungle was untamed. There, that is more precise.
Maybe y'all have a better imagination than me. Have a look:

Stephanie!!! I have missed you so much! (I'm graceelizabeth from MOMYS). I didn't even know you were expecting again. Sooooo excited for you! I'm so glad I found your blog again!
Ummm...totally thought I'd commented on this on Friday! Apparently not!! Anyway-- super pumped you think of me when you see hydrangeas. And House #12?? What the HECK, man??!! Those people are all kinds of crazy. What thinking person, wanting to sell their house, will only clean on FRIDAYS??? That makes NO SENSE.
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