Saturday, September 3, 2011

Why special needs?

We've gotten this question quite a bit. I've openly shared on our blog that we specifically asked to be homestudy approved for a child with special needs. In fact, I was a bit annoyed when I read our homestudy and it said were were approved for a child that is "healthy or with mild, moderate or severe special needs."

I remember turning to Brandon and saying, "Healthy children have less trouble finding adoptive parents. That isn't where we are called."

I know what God has put on our heart. We are commanded to care for widows and orphans (James 1:27.) When we prayed about how to do this, we were led to adoption.

Personally, I have always had a desire to adopt and I was thrilled. But in our case God has asked us to do something that we never thought possible. When you adopt, you get a nice neat little checklist asking which medical conditions you would accept in a child and you are asked to check "Yes, No, or Case by Case" for each condition. We prayed before filling out our form. We researched the needs we were unfamiliar with. And then we marked them ALL yes. It was probably the single most spiritual moment I've had in my life. I knew without a doubt that I was in the center of God's will. We trusted God to choose the right child for us. And without a doubt, He has.

Annalise's medical history is hard when you see it on paper. We are currently waiting on a copy of her medical records to arrive. In her foster home, those records fill a 4 inch notebook. Our girlie has seen more than ten different medical specialties in her short life. She has already had three surgeries. But when I held her 10 lb body and looked into her eyes, I saw Jesus and I knew that I am exactly where God has asked me to be.

Have you asked God where He wants you to be? And then did you listen? Or did you reason your way out of it? The sweet peace of being in the very center of where He has asked me to be is so peaceful. I sincerely hope each of you find the center of where He has asked you to be too.

Have no fear. We are not naive when it comes to her significant needs. But we trust that God will guide us down this path with her just as He has all of our children.

"...Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:40.

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