Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Year Uno

Happy first birthday, Isaiah!  I'm so excited to celebrate your first birthday!  You, my sweet boy, are exactly what our family needed to heal.  I'm so glad that we were blessed with you!  God knew what we needed best!

You can light up a room with a flash of a smile.  Your laugh cuts through tense moments immediately. 

I love how you are so studious and watch your siblings so carefully.  You are studying their every move.

Nighttime is still my favorite though.  You *still* hum in your sleep, just like you did the day you were born.  You usually sleep on your tummy with your tush in the air.  Sometimes you rub the back of your head with your hand until you fall asleep. 

Your eyes squint just like mine when you smile or laugh.  And so far everyone says that you look like me.  My usual response is that it *only* took five.  Tee hee!

Sweet boy, you have been prayed for by many.  I can't wait to see how you change over the next year and all of the other years you have in your future. Know that Daddy and I only want the best for you.  We are your soft place to land and always will be.  

Love you to the moon and back, times infinity,


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