Friday, January 27, 2012

Discharged and Admitted...

We were discharged from the hospital in Richmond last night. The first paper I was asked to sign said that everything was resolved. I refused to sign that.

So they discharged him with a paper saying that he still has failure to thrive, diarrhea and dehydration. We asked for a transfer to a Children's Hospital outside of Richmond. We were told the only place they could transfer us to would be UVA. UVA is a teaching hospital that is not a pediatric specialty facility. It is one hour away. Our requests to be transfer to a pediatric specialty hospital were denied.

I was flabbergasted.

Xander was obviously still in great discomfort and his diarrhea had begun again. Brandon and I prayed and decided to drive to Wilmington, Delaware to have Xander seen by DuPont Children's. We handcarried all the records we had and his adoption paperwork.

The triage nurse just couldn't believe what we'd been through. We got a room within an hour and the nurse took all my papers and made copies. She took a thorough medical history and examined Xander thoroughly.

Shortly after the ER doc came in puzzled. We explained our frustration, the inconsistencies in the records we had, and how he was still in pain. Xander was barely drinking pedialyte and his stomach was very, very distended. He also continued having very smelly wet burps.

We did a belly xray and we were told that it was abnormal. He was very full of something. Guesses were food and stool and his stomach was enlarged greatly.

Some of the lab results we carried here were just wonky.

We were told we were being admitted to regular peds and that a team that does hard cases would try to put together all of our pieces and we would consult with the specialties.

And then a stool sample came back positive for C. Diff and blood. So we are now on the gastro unit in an isolation room. Xander is not permitted to leave the room and everyone that comes in puts on gowns, gloves and a mask.

Everyone here has been amazingly gentle and kind to us. The nurse that told us about the C. Diff says that her gut says there is more going on than just that but that we have to start to peel back the layers of the onion.

We are obviously greatly disturbed by this news. We are struggling greatly with disbelief, anger and sadness but at the same time feel relief that we are finally where someone will help us.

Thank you for your prayers. We feel like prayers and God's goodness have gotten us here.



Debbie Fitts said...

SO VERY GLAD to have an update. You all have been on my mind/heart. Praying for help and answers and for Xander to hea.

debbie (momys)

Karla said...

Still praying for Xander!

Kristina said...

Oh goodness....I'm getting choked up reading this. As a mom, it's the worst thing in the world for your child to be in pain. I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. It makes me livid knowing how you were's like those people didn't even care that this is a child's life and well being. grrr...
So thankful that you are now in a place where the medical staff is actually trying to help you. Will be praying for answers, for that sweet lil' boy, and for your whole family.
Much Love,

Robin said...

Sooo glad you are getting better treatment and are hopefully on the way to a diagnosis. Praying for you and Xander.