Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No Regrets...

So an anonymous commenter asked me if I regretted announcing my pregnancy so early.

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Some people don't announce until after the 12th week of pregnancy. The supposed "safety mark" of pregnancy. I'm past that... so if I were to wait, when would you suggest I had waited?

I absolutely positively have zero regrets about announcing as early as we did. Every life is special and valuable and deserves to be celebrated. Some people celebrate for a long 9 months and then a lifetime. Some celebrate for a much shorter time but each life deserves to be celebrated... thoroughly.

We've cried tears of happiness upon the news that we were blessed with another life to love. We gasped in awe at the sweet little heartbeat fluttering on the screen at our first ultrasound. We laughed at our wiggleworm as the ultrasound tech struggled to get the measurements she needed for her reports. We have daydreamed ahead to having another little one toddling around our home.

We've also had a few restless nights here lately. We've uttered prayers for hours on end pleading for our baby to still be there the next time they check for a heartbeat. We've willed its little heart to continue beating.

But our joy isn't gone. I'm refusing to let the joy be snuffed out by the worries. So we celebrate. Each day we celebrate one more day with our sweet, tiny baby. We remain cautiously optimistic.

Tomorrow things can change. My appt is at 9:45am and I could walk out in tears after hearing terrible news.

And the Lord will still be good. He will still be sovereign. And we will still worship Him and praise Him.

But tonight, we thank Him, for one more day with our sweet child. I'm not borrowing trouble. I'm resting in the palm of His hand.

Are you celebrating the today? Or has the worry of tomorrow sucked the joy out of your today? Friends, none of us are promised tomorrow. And not a worry in the world adds a minute of time to our today.

I encourage you to celebrate today.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Matthew 6:34



Leia said...

I love you guys. I totally agree life is much fuller when you live it this way and let God take control. Whether we understand his actions are not He still knows whats best for us. Praying for good news in the morning <3

Heather (iceangel) said...

Well said, Stephanie!

Our Adoption Journey to Eastern Europe said...

Completely agree as well!